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Elizabeth Sadoff Art Advisory is a Manhattan-based, full-service art advocacy firm. Our advisory brings both new and experienced collectors together with artwork that they would not readily have discovered on their own. When you engage our advisory, we provide you with art that is a deeply personal reflection of you.
Empower aspiring collectors like you to chart a unique course in the richly rewarding journey of acquiring original artwork
Enhance your art selection process to deeply inform your decision-making
Stay true to your budget and any other guidelines important to you
Introduce the work of emerging and mid-career artists and artists' estates
Step One – The Visuals: Your Initial Responses
Step Two –- The Story; Enriching What You Are Viewing
Step Three –The Journey: Experiencing Prospective Artwork In-Person
Step Four – Getting Personal With Your Art Considerations
Elizabeth Sadoff Art Advisory
Originally from Los Angeles, California, I trained as a sculptor, muralist, and most recently, printmaker. In 1999, I established a successful New York mural and decorative painting company, after which I was the director of two small galleries in Santa Monica, California. I moved back to New York in 2009 to become the Director of Corporate Art Development for the David Findlay Jr. Gallery. It was during the 2008/09 financial meltdown that I realized it was time to go back to business on my own, and established Elizabeth Sadoff Art Advisory, setting up my studio/office in Chelsea. I have never been so happy and engaged as when I began advocating on behalf of the multitude of talent in the art world whose work has the power to resonate with and transform each of us.